I’m always on the lookout for impressive aquariums. It’s amazing how many killer aquariums are hidden away in people’s homes, hidden from the public! I’m sure many of those aquarium owners would like to show off their builds. That’s where I come in.
This aquarium setup is just so impressive that I can’t hardly look at my own aquarium anymore, haha! Just kidding. But this one really did blow me away.

180 Gallon Reef Build
On his site, Giancarlo outlines the various hardware that he used to put his system together, along with the process of setting up the aquarium.
I particularly like the special attention that was put into the automation electronics and the plumbing system.
If you have not seen this yet, you should head over to Giancarlo’s web site and check out the rest of the details regarding what he did to put this reef aquarium together. Patience is key!
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