I’ve seen a lot of gimmicky products or prizes over the years that give away live pet fish to ignorant people. The latest example is the iPond, which is a speaker for the iPod/iPhone that remarkably is also a fish tank. How big (or small) is this tank? The tank’s water capacity is about 650millilitres […]
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Lionfish Going Deeper, Getting Bigger
In an interesting bit of science news, researchers are finding lionfish at deeper depths than are typical for the species, and they are getting bigger to go along with that. While lionfish are typically between 12 and 15 inches (30 to 38 centimeters) long, the Oregon State researchers say they saw unusually large specimens as […]

Raided for Having a Fish Tank
This article is from a while ago, but it is absurd enough to bring up again. This is the kind of stuff that happens when you live in a paranoid society. Brooklyn Park police were looking for a meth lab, but they found a fish tank and the chemicals needed to maintain it. And a […]
84 Year Old Aquarium Diver is Still At It!
How about this great story about an 84 year old aquarium diver? An inspiration to all. Once a month, Irby Hartley gives his scuba gear the once-over. A life-long diver, he was thrilled when the Tennessee Aquarium came to town. “I said wow, I would like to be able to do that and not have […]
Fish Tank iPhone App Released
I received word today that there is now an iPhone app called “Fish Tank” – it contains a lot of info regarding setting up a small saltwater aquarium. From the publisher: This app uses fun instructional videos (over an hour of short easily referenced videos) to teach how to easily set up a saltwater fish […]
The Psychic Octopus, Paul, Picks Germany
Ah, there’s nothing like looking to a psychic octopus when wanting to see what the future holds. Apparently, this psychic Octopus named Paul has the ability to predict how things are going to turn out, and he uses the simple process of picking one of two mussels that are presented to him. How accurate is […]
Gulf Oil Spill: National Aquarium Helping Turtles
The National Aquarium in Baltimore is preparing to help sea turtles affected by the Gulf oil spill: As the Gulf oil spill ensnares marine animals, the staff at the National Aquarium and the state’s wildlife veterinarian are preparing for a life or death situation. For the aquarium, the phone may ring and someone will ask […]
Clearwater Marine Aquarium Helping With Oil Spill
If the facility becomes activated by the government to help with the cleanup, employees will undergo training regarding cleaning animals from oil spills: CLEARWATER — If officials at the Clearwater Marine Aquarium are asked to rehabilitate animals injured by a massive oil spill spreading through the Gulf of Mexico, they will be ready to respond, […]
Two rescued sea turtles flown to San Diego
Box em up and ship em out.
Aquascaping: Get To Know It
There seems to be a slight popularity shift in aquascaping, I’m seeing this term brought up more often. Aquascaping goes beyond the typical aquarium setup expectations.